

The website has been designed with accessibility in mind, and uses Accesskeys to make browsing more convenient.

The Accesskeys used by this site are designated as follow:

  • Alt+U:Upper block, containing the links to the services of this site.
  • Alt+C:Center block, providing the principal information of the page.
  • Alt+B:Bottom block, providing the principal information of the page.

※ When the project tab on this website can not mouse click, you can use the following keyboard browsing data

  • ← → or ↑ ↓ : Left-right or up and down keys to move the tab order.
  • Home or End→ : Can directly jump to label the first or last.
  • Tab : Stay on the label, you can use Tab to browse the contents of that data, when faced with the radio buttons ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move the order of items.
  • Tab + Shift : Press Tab + Shift to jump back on the amount of information; when you jump back to label the project can continue to use the ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move the tab order.

  1. SiteMap
  2. Annual Event
    1. National Environmental Education Conference on Annual Major Outcomes
    2. International Environmental Education Exchange
    3. School Environmental Education Practical Contest
  3. About
    1. Vision
    2. Guiding Impetus
    3. Current Status
  4. Practice
  5. Special Report
  6. Cooperative Programs
  7. Commissioner